Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Personal Trainer Can Help Sculpt Your Body

A Personal Trainer Can Help Sculpt Your Body Body Sculpting with a Personal Trainer or Sports Coach ChaptersFat-burning is Best Done with Cardio WorkoutsHeart first, or Muscles?Include Isometrics into Your Workout PlanGet Your Concrete Abs Working With a Personal Fitness Trainer at HomeDo Pilates for (Mental) Health and FitnessIntroducing Your New Personal Training ProgramWhat man hasn't dreamed of displaying his six-pak abs at the beach? What woman wouldn't want tight glutes and shapely thighs?There is still time this year to hit the beach and show off your toned body!You can have all that by engaging a personal fitness instructor. S/he will teach you cardiovascular fitness fundamentals and muscle toning.Take control of your body! Sculpt it, little by little, all while losing unwanted pounds.Aerobic exercise is similar and results in the same effect â€" weight loss, but the focus of this type of low-impact workout is endurance, built through sustained, extended sessions.A cardio routine should raise your heart rate to around 70% higher than its resting rate, and alternate between high- and low- intensity for the duration of the exercise session.This type of equipment will work your heart:treadmillstationary bikeellipticalstair stepperrowerYou will find all of these fitness machines in your local gym or fitness classes near me. They are all available for your home as well, usually at a fair price.However, if you are not fond of working out indoors, you could always exercise outdoors. There, you can:jog or runcyclespeed walk, power walk, or race walkNordic walkIf you maintain your current daily calorie intake and engage in at least three intensive physical training sessions per week, you are sure to shed pounds all while improving your overall fitness.Cycling is a great way to build endurance and lose weight Source: Pixabay Credit: SkeezeHigh Intensity Workouts â€" the Expert RegimenConsider the effect of an intense workout on weight loss.According to a study by the National Institutes of Health in America, alternating between bursts of high intensity movement and low intensity results in significant weight loss.One participant group engaged in twenty-minute exercise sessions, in which they alternately sprinted and walked.One participant group worked at medium intensity for forty minutes per session.The results revealed that those participating in the first group â€" switching between high and low intensity lost significantly more body fat than the group that worked longer but steadier.This method of training is called High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT.Pacing yourself in this manner, your heart has no time to get used to any particular level of activity and thus will burn fat â€" faster even than any classic cardio workout.Warning! This type of high energy workout is meant for motivated individuals who have already attained a moderate degree of physical fitness.If you suffer from any form of cardiovascular illness, we strongly discourage you from this type of workout.Should you doubt whether your heart can stand a heavy burn, we suggest you attempt it only after discussing your overall physical condition with a health and fitness expert, and only under the watchful eye of a qualified fitness trainer at the gym, or at home with a  personal trainer.Heart first, or Muscles?Any health and fitness expert will assure you that it is best to work your heart and musculature in tandem.It is difficult to work everything at once, and some sports enthusiasts have a distinct preference for one over the other...Still, it is best to do your cardio routine after your resistance training, for several reasons:Optimise the intensity of your workout sessionTo tone and sculpt your body, you will work your muscles hard. It is always best to be fresh and at the ready, rather than risking dropping a kettlebell on your foot because you are worn out from your cardio routineWork fat cells looseToning your muscles gives fat cells less to cling to. Once you destabilize them, it is simply a matter of riding a stationary bike or running o n a treadmill to flush them away.A better use of lipidsYour muscles get their 'food' from blood sugars and lipids that are stored in the adipose tissues among your muscle fibers. Flexing and stretching your muscles releases those lipids which, in turn gives you more fuel to work out longer and harder.By working your muscles before doing your cardio, you are tapping into glucide reserves that actually drive and sustain intensive muscle movement.Engaging in a cardio routine after a muscle burn ensures that you will burn body fat during your sessions with your certified personal trainer, not needed muscle fats.Dont' forget proper nutrition!After a particularly intensive session, be sure to take in plenty of protein in order to gain the maximum muscle mass.That means you, Bodybuilders! For those of you working your pectorals, abdominals, lats, delts triceps, biceps, glutes and thighs, be sure to ask your expert in fitness education how to really muscle up without causing injury to any m uscle group.A certified personal trainer, one with Level 2, 3 or 4 credentials, specialising in kinesiology and physiology would be able to design an overall fitness program targeted to your goals, taking into consideration your current physical competency and your past sports activity.Isometrics use your body to build muscle tissue Source: Pixabay Credit: Hannah Wells CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st les son free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsInclude Isometrics into Your Workout PlanIsometrics is a type of fitness training that reinforces muscular strength. They are ideal to work these muscle groups:abdominalsglutesdorsals â€" the muscles in your backDiscover why you should work out with a fitness specialist.This type of exercise can help avoid muscle cramping, herniated discs or other back injury, and helps you gain a more streamlined figure.Isometric exercises are ideal for those whose exercise regimen consists of swimming, cycling, or running because they will help you move more efficiently.Why not integrate one isometrics session per week into your usual exercise program design?There are hundreds of educational videos online that demonstrate various isometric exercises but the best way to learn them is most certainly under the instruction of a fitness professional.S/he will show you the proper form and posture, so that you avoid rookie mistakes such as 'peaking' â€" glutes in the air while planking, for example.Isometrics is a type of strength training that works with your body to build muscle and finally get that flat stomach you've always wanted, thanks to the long, flat characteristic  of abdominal muscles.Isometrics are also ideal for yoga ent husiasts and other stretching regimens to help keep the body in top shape.This type of exercise is recommended for senior fitness programmes because they help prevent sagging in certain parts of the body, such as the stomach, pectorals and glutes.Get Your Concrete Abs Working With a Personal Fitness Trainer at HomeIf your lifestyle is rather busy, you would get the best out of any fitness programme by engaging a personal fitness trainer.An in-home training program would save you a lot of time.Your fitness professional would first conduct a physical assessment, and then decide on a training regimen suited to your body type, aimed at objectives you will work to attain.With training techniques outlined by your physical fitness coach, you will learn the proper poses and moves, all while avoiding injury.S/he will demonstrate for you specific exercises designed to work target areas, such as pectoral or abdominal muscle groups.Read also: why should you train with a certified fitness traine r?Such a coach will espouse functional training: tailored to work individual muscles â€" upper abdominals versus obliques, for example.Work Your Glutes for the Best Body ImageRegardless whether you are physically active, we recommend a training regimen targeted to the three most common problem areas: stomach, gluteal muscles and thighs.Squats are the most effective move to build tight glutes and toned thighs!Beware that this position is most often done incorrectly.With guidance during your personal training sessions, you will be able to position yourself to the optimal degree in order to derive the most benefit from your work.Your individualised Superprof fitness trainer will first demonstrate the move, and then position you correctly. S/he will counsel you on the number of reps you should do, how often to do them, and what type of squats you should practise.You can squat with or without dumbbells, for example. Or, for a more intensive workout, you can use a kettlebell, working your deltoids while toning your thighs.A Pilates workout tones your body and refreshes your mind Source: Pixabay Credit: ArtCoreStudiosDo Pilates for (Mental) Health and FitnessJoseph Pilates was a gymnast who believed that many human illnesses could be avoided by proper posture and breathing.He developed a training technique designed to reinforce deep muscle tissue, while while working the skeletal muscles that support the spine and stomach.The philosophy behind Pilates' regimen addresses mental health and well-being. It discourages a sedentary lifestyle, advocating action of any type.Many certified fitness professionals host Pilates workout sessions online and upload videos you can follow, should you wish to follow any exercise programs at home.Introducing Your New Personal Training ProgramDo you monitor your pulse and steps with a Fitbit or other sports tracking device? Do you know anyone that does?Such performance measuring gear has become essential to anyone concerned with physical fitness.They are easy to calibrate and use, and keep a record of your daily physical activity: how many steps did you take? How many calories did you burn? Was your sleep sufficiently restful?It will also catalogue how fast you run or cycle, and for how long.The best function of this type of sports equipment is not programmed into it.Wearing such a device is a powerful motivator, encouraging your to a healthier lifestyle. A mere glance at your wrist will reveal if you have been more active today than yesterday, and what your carbohydrate consumption is.It maintains a record of your sports conditioning, something your coach will need to see when conducting your fitness assessment.Naturally, it is no substitute for personal fitness training â€" it cannot instruct you on proper form or number of reps.For proper strength and conditioning, it is always best to find a personal trainer for a one-on-one workout, in gyms or health clubs. We also recommend a personal trainer for certain very demanding sports to avoid injury. The perfect personal trainer will know how to guide you to your goals, whether it be weight-loss, a better-looking body or building muscle.Nevertheless, you can always opt for an online personal trainer.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Life Coach Training

Life Coach Training What is Involved in Life Coach Training? ChaptersWhat Does a Life Coach Do?Training for Life CoachesHow to Train as a Life CoachWhy Should You Undergo Training?Life coaching is a relatively new phenomenon, but one that is catching on like wildfire among certain demographics!People who yearn for more out of their life but have no idea how to get it, seek out life coaches.People who are faced with a sudden change of life: lottery winners, empty nesters and retirees, those who have vowed to overcome severe emotional or physical trauma...Even people at the start of their careers are looking for an edge by engaging the services of a life coach Glasgow!And they’re not the only ones: these days, more and more businesses are including life coaching in employees’ benefits packages.Clearly, becoming a life coach can be lucrative: the monthly rate for such services runs anywhere between £150-1000 per client!Wouldn’t you like to jump on that bandwagon?If you think you have what it takes to become a life coach â€" passion, inspir ation, motivation and the ability to encourage others, all you need to find out is how to actually become a life coach.Let Superprof show you the way!And, s/he is not a business coach: if you are having business woes, you need a different type of coach.Lastly, s/he is not a therapist.If there are legitimate psychological issues barring you from your goals, s/he would certainly recommend you work with a clinician.Where a life coach Bristol excels is in helping you define your goals â€" be they personal or professional, and empowering you to reach them.“Nobody at work likes me!” is not a reason to seek out a life coach. However, if you’ve long felt that you are not where you belong, at work or in life, such a professional is the one you need!How do they get so good at helping people live satisfying lives?Training for Life CoachesThere is no mandated certification process or training requirement for life coaching in the UK.There: we got that out of the way!However, there are trai ning programmes that will render you a most effective life coach.And, while anyone can hang out a shingle (or advertise on social media) that they are a life coach, the savvy client will certainly want to see your International Coach Federation accreditation.Besides, it just makes good sense to undergo a training program to become a certified life coach.Here, the GROW model of coaching, where reality and options are reversed Source: Pixabay Credit: TheDigitalArtistA Bit of Background on Life Coach TrainingOne might argue that life coaching has its roots in sports coaching.Indeed, the book The Inner Game of Tennis shifted the focus of the player from technical skill needed for playing to the psychological readiness of winning.Getting rid of self-doubt and anxiety allows the player to become his/her best self: essentially, it means getting out of one’s own way and learning to trust oneself to do a good job.That same philosophy goes back even further: to what we know as a state of Ze n, from the Tang dynasty in China which, in turn, has its roots in the ancient Indian practice of meditation.Timothy Gallwey’s book was pivotal to the creation of the GROW model.GROW stands for:Goals â€" what do you want to achieve?Reality: what is the actual situation you face?Obstacles: what stands in your way of achieving your goals? Once they’ve been identified, O is also:Options: what options do you have to achieve your goals?Way forward: what actions need to be taken in order to reach your goals?This is one of the earliest and most influential models of coaching, still in use today.It is also the foundation of several other coaching models!Other impactful discoverers of effective coaching include Werner Erhard, who ran self-empowerment workshops around the time the Tennis book was published, and Thomas Leonard.He was the budget director for a company called Landmark Worldwide, formerly Landmark Education.Oftentimes people would ask him big life questions that essentially h ad nothing to do with finance, his area of expertise.He realised that financial dire straits were more of a symptom of grave underlying personal problems than a problem in itself.Armed with Mr Erhard’s teaching materials â€" which his company had bought outright, he went on to found, among other associations, the International Coach Federation, which became the main accrediting and credentialing body for coaches.The ICF now operates in 140 countries, ours included!How to Train as a Life CoachThe premier organisation that trains coaches, in the UK and elsewhere, is called the Coaches Training Institute, or CTI.Since their establishment in London in 1996, they have built a no-fail curriculum that churns out, on average, 200 coaches each year.Prospective coaches first undergo the Fundamentals module, a two-and-a-half day workshop that emphasises communications.This is not a lecture seminar; in no way are the participants passively digesting information!Everyone uses their newly-acqui red skills within the workshop, formulating pointed questions used in root cause analysis, and three levels of listening.Upon successful completion of this model, the coaching candidate earns 18.75 points towards his curriculum completion (the entire course totals 200 hours).‘Fundamentals’ serves as a prerequisite for the next modules, cumulatively called The Intermediate Series.This chain of courses must be taken in sequential order, and consist of: Fulfillment, Balance, Process and Synergy.Each title represents a 3-day workshop, wherein you would go progressively deeper into the philosophy, psychology and techniques of coaching.Once those steps are complete, you have the option of going yet farther: becoming a Certified Professional Coactive Coach.That title, along with ICF credentialing is the culmination of your 200 hours of learning â€" be it in actual workshops, virtual meetings or by consulting with clients.If you apply yourself rigorously, the whole course takes 25 weeks to complete, at a cost of around £6000.What do all that time and money get you?Nothing is quite so valuable as what you earn! Source: Pixabay Credit: Kristopher KWhy Should You Undergo Training?At this point, after ingesting that price tag and time commitment, you might be thinking:If there are no licensing requirements, why should I spend all that time and money?You would be absolutely correct, but you could not be more wrong.The essence of being a life coach is knowing you are your very best self, and still working to become better.All aggrandisement aside, how could you know how good you are now and what skills you’re missing if you don’t subject them to professional scrutiny?And, even if you do have fantastic interpersonal skills â€" your friends all say you are the best listener, why not improve on them?Contrary to popular belief, practice does not make perfect; it makes better â€" what a liberating thought that is!Think about it: one never prides about anything they didn ’t work for or earn; it is the thrill of the chase that we humans crave.Even in the American Declaration of Independence, those citizens are only guaranteed the pursuit of happiness; not happiness itself. Did their founding fathers wish to impress on future generations that the quest for achievement is its own reward?It thus stands to reason that one couldn’t revere what they have not worked for, ardently pursued, and earned through their own dedication!Besides, there is always something new to learn...Whether you establish yourself with a coaching business or start a business of your own: as someone trained in coaching techniques, your credibility is already assured.From there, you can offer your coaching services to corporations â€" remember, they are waking up to the need for life coaches, or find a niche market.Perhaps at a senior centre, counselling those aforementioned retirees, or maybe help repatriate people who have lived out of the country for a few years.It all starts with developing the right skills and attitudes that will make you, and your clients, successful.Earlier we credited only Americans with the life coaching revolution, and that wasn’t entirely accurate...You might thrill to know that it was an Englishman, Sir John Whitmore who brought life coaching to the UK, after a dynamic career as a race car driver.He found himself at odds with what to do with himself after he ran his last lap... sound familiar?His interest in sports and psychology led him to America, to study under Mr Gallwey himself.He returned to England in the late 70’s with a few fellows; initially, they coached sports but soon turned their attention to the business world, developing a coaching programme for managers.He remained active in the personal coaching business, even founding an association of personal coaches that ultimately merged with the International Coach Federation, for whom he served as a trustee until his death.Now, that’s a passion!Find relevant resou rces for life coaches here.See here how you can build up your clients as a life coach London.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why Learn the Electric Violin

Why Learn the Electric Violin What About Playing an Electric Violin? ChaptersThe Specifics of the Electric ViolinLearning the Electric Violin: What Type of Lessons Should You Pick?Improve Your Electric Violin Playing by Reading MusicLearning to Play the Electric Violin: Some Practical AdviceWhile a lot of people are aware of the acoustic violin or fiddle, fewer know about the electric one.  The instrument, which was invented in the 20th century, is today quite common within rock and pop groups.Some musicians even decided to learn the electric violin rather than the acoustic violin. That’s because the instrument is just as accessible to beginners as it is to intermediate and advanced players.Which type of classes should you pick?What is sheet music or tabs and which should you use?Whether you want to play a concert as part of an orchestra or quartet or just for fun, here’s some useful information on becoming an electric violinist. TomViolin Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StacyViolin Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Dis cover all our tutors ValtieViolin Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BenedictViolin Teacher 5.00 (8) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TaisiiaViolin Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AmyViolin Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LuísViolin Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MomokoViolin Teacher £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Specifics of the Electric ViolinAccording to 82% of Brits, the world of classical music needs to change. It needs to become more accessible, head out to the streets, and reach a more varied audience.What better than the electric violin to kick off this revolution?The electric violin, which was created in the the 20th century, has slowly started to crop up everywhere.  It's not uncommon for a violinist to opt for the instrument nowadays.A traditional acoustic violin isn't the only way to learn to play. (Source: Wikimedia Common s)Whether to find new sounds or just for practical reasons, there are plenty of reasons why more and more electric violins are being seen.  Lindsey Stirling, Jean-Jacques Goldman, Nightwish, the list goes on and on. The electric violin is making its way into all styles of music.But are really are the differences between an electric violin and an acoustic violin?The first and most obvious different is the parts of the instrument, (head, body, fingerboard, neck, strings, sound board, pegs, etc.).While the traditional acoustic members of the violin family (which includes the cello, viola, and double bass) are stringed instruments with bodies carved out of woods such as spruce, ebony, boxwood, willow, and rosewood by a luthier, the electric violin can be crafted using more modern techniques.In fact, the electric violin doesn’t even have a sound box because its sound is directly transferred to the amplifier via a pickup. Without this amplifier, the instrument is significantly diminishe d.When the string vibrates, it moves through a magnetic field on the pickup. These vibrations induce an electric current which is transferred through a cable (or wirelessly in some cases) to amps. The electric current is then amplified and output through a speaker.While the wood is often an important part of a traditional violin's sound and tonal quality, a good electric violin with the right pickups and amplification can have the playability and sound equal to or greater than that of some of the best acoustic violins.Thanks to not needing a sound box, plenty of manufacturers have built electric violins in interesting shapes. The new look is an easy way to tell an electric violin apart from an acoustic violin.The sound is also slightly different. While the sound of an acoustic violin comes from its sound box, the sound of an electric violin depends on the quality of the amplifier, too. You can even get a silent violin!  The better the amp, the better the sound quality of the electri c violin.Furthermore, just like for electric guitars, there are pedals for electric violins that allow you to change the sound. Of course, you should learn to play the thing before you buy an effects pedal and don't buy the Stradivarius of electric violins when you first start learning. A good sounding violin won't sound good when played by an amateur.Does this really change how the instrument is played, though?You can play the violin, whether its acoustic or electric (or acoustic electric violin), in exactly the same way. You’re going to have to exercise your wrists, practise holding the bow, and improve your posture and positioning.Electric violin strings can still be bowed in the same way as an acoustic violin. However, it's common for a performer to choose bows that are as outlandish or cool-looking as their string instrument.Just like an acoustic violin, studying music is still going to be useful when playing the electric violin. Practising your scales and having a sense of r hythm will still be useful regardless of the type of violin you’re playing.There are a lot of famous violinists who learnt to play the electric violin without a single music class. This is usually because the electric violin is rarely covered in conservatoires.Just like with the acoustic violin, you can also teach yourself to play the electric violin. If you're wondering which violin to buy, you should pay a visit to a violin shop and ask a sales assistant for the best option for your budget. Beginners shouldn't worry too much about violin sound, you should worry about which instruments are easier to learn on or play.Don't forget to have a look at tuners and a violin case for your new musical instrument, too.Learning the Electric Violin: What Type of Lessons Should You Pick?If they rarely teach the electric violin in schools, how can you play it?There are several ways to do this.Violin Lessons with an AssociationWhile the conservatoires don’t often teach electric violin players, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any other places to learn.There are associations, for example, that offer classes for instruments that aren’t commonly seen in more traditional settings. They can teach you how to play piano, guitar, violin, or almost any other instrument.The teachers are probably more willing to provide electric violin classes if there’s enough demand for them.Classic Violin Lessons in a ConservatoireIn the event that there are only conservatoires near you, there is a solution.You could take traditional violin lessons and then adapt your playing style once you get home to help you play the electric violin. The classes will be very similar.Having a good knowledge of how to playing the acoustic violin will still help you to play the electric violin. Additionally, music courses alongside your violin lessons london (or wherever you are based) can also be really useful.Classic violin training has it's benefits, too. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)Private Violin Lesson sIf group classes don’t appeal to you, you could always get in touch with a private violin tutor. Private lessons are often taken by those wanting to learn to play the violin.On Superprof, for example, students pick the tutor that works for them and then they put together a programme with them. By doing this, you can find a musician who plays an electric violin.Whether you take these classes at your home or your tutor’s home, where you have these lessons is up to you.Teaching Yourself to Play the ViolinJust like with the acoustic violin, you can also teach yourself to play the electric violin.  There are plenty of sites and videos on the internet that can teach you how to do it.How to restring a violinVibratoTuning a violinHow to hold a violin bow and bowing techniquePlaying a melodyPizzicatoGlissandoThere’s no lack of learning resources on the internet. A lot of artists learnt to play thanks to the violin resources online and then themselves became famous for their own videos .However, the internet isn’t the only way to learn to play. Manuals and books are still very useful. Whether you get them from a dedicated music store or violin lessons online, they can teach you more about the violin and some important techniques.Improve Your Electric Violin Playing by Reading MusicIf you want to play a musical instrument, you need to understand music.  Different types of languages have been created throughout the history of music.Generally speaking, sheet music is the universal language for musicians though tabs are becoming more and more popular. Sheet music is a handwritten or printed form of music.Studying music, whether consciously or otherwise, is useful for all musicians when they write music. Tabs are generally used by musicians teaching themselves.So what are tabs?Tabs are printed music written in such a way so that it can be played by those who cannot read music. It used number and letters to tell musicians where they should place their fingers on the i nstrument.While reading music is generally covered in schools and conservatoires, tabs are very popular amongst those who are teaching themselves to play.Music theory can be really important for progressing musically. (Source: NGi)In both cases, whether you’re reading music or reading tabs, practising is the best way to improve.These are both things you should look into when you start learning to play the electric violin. They can help you understand how to play a violin better. While sheet music will tell you the notes and rhythm, tabs tell you how to directly play these notes on a given instrument.There are plenty of songs written in tabs on the internet. This is probably why plenty of musicians are recording themselves playing Despacito on the electric violin and uploading it to YouTube.Learning to Play the Electric Violin: Some Practical AdviceIn theory, learning the electric violin might sound good, but in practice, why should you?When it comes to learning an instrument, the most important thing is motivation. Without motivation, you’re going to have a very long journey ahead of you. The second you encounter any difficulties, you’ll want to give up.  After that, it’s very hard to get back into the swing of things and your violin will find itself a new home in your closet.To avoid this, you should ask yourself whether or not you’re serious enough about learning the violin to play it at least once a week. While you should practise more than this in order to learn to play, if you’re not going to still be playing in a year’s time, you shouldn’t bother getting an instrument.Once you’ve bought your violin, it’s important that you practise regularly between your lessons, too.It's important that you regularly practise playing the violin. (Source: Baohm)Whether you’re going to school, taking lessons with a tutor, or teaching yourself, you need to stick with it.  To make sure you don’t get discouraged, you should pace yourself and practise p ieces bit by bit.  Turn challenges into manageable chunks and practice will do the rest.Don’t forget about constructive criticism, either. Whether from your violin teacher, friends, or family, constructive criticism can really help you improve.  You'll know what you need to practise and what you’re doing well. If you can’t play in front of your teacher and get feedback, you can always perform for your friends and family and listen to their opinions.Above all, play, play, and play some more., and make sure you’re having fun, too! Whether you're performing orchestral pieces, traditional violin music, or pop songs, playing the violin needs to be an enjoyable experience.Now that you’ve got a better idea of what it takes, what about learning vibrato on violin?

How to Prepare for Your Last Year of Business School

How to Prepare for Your Last Year of Business School With your first year of your MBA program complete, your final year of business school will likely have you feeling much more confident. You know the landscape, you have more freedom to choose the schedule you want, and you have a little more time to relax. But, stay sharp! These final classes will fly by, and youll want to make the most of them. A few ways to prepare for your last year of business school are to check your graduation requirements, connect with your colleagues, and remind yourself why you went to business school in the first place. Here are four ways to prepare for your last year of business school: 1. Check your business school graduation requirements Talk with your advisor to ensure that the classes you want to take fulfill the credits that your school requires for you to graduate. Furthermore, weigh your future career goals and academic interests when creating your schedule. For instance, if youre going into corporate finance, then including courses in debt markets, venture capital, and private equity might make sense. But if youre also interested in organizational behavior, then you could also enroll in a conflict management negotiation class. Furthermore, stay on top of your GPA so that you can walk on stage for commencement with no surprises. [RELATED: 4 Things to Do in Your Last Semester of Business School] 2. Connect with all of your business school colleagues During business school, you should build all kinds of relationships. Spend even more time this last year getting to know your classmates, alumni, faculty, staff, business friends, acquaintances, and the variety of people you encounter during your MBA program. These are the links in your network who can help you find success as you grow your career. To keep track of all these important individuals in your life, LinkedIn is a great, professional platform to use. Apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are fine for close friends, but LinkedIn is an ideal place for your career contacts and networking possibilities. 3. Apply for jobs during your last year of business school Specific recruitment seasons vary among industries, but your second year is the time to really start narrowing in on what you want to do after graduation. Although there may be an overwhelming number of organizations sending recruiters to your campus, focus on your target companies. Make a list of 10-20 places you would like to work. Dont try to interview for everything. Know what you want. You can do your research ahead of time by doing the following things: reading industry news visiting corporate websites talking with classmates and alumni who have worked at companies that hold your interest 4. Remember why you went to business school in the first place A lot can change between the moment you hit the submit button on your MBA application and the day that you graduate from business school. So much comes at you during the first year of your program that you can barely recall what you wanted out of an MBA in the first place. Therefore, sit for a moment to think about how you want to spend the months you have left in the program. Take the classes that you wanted to attend once you got accepted. Continue to make friends with the people sitting next to you. Participate in the organizations that you joined/lead. Make your business school experience something you can look back on and be proud of. [RELATED: 5 Tips to Ease the Transition from Business School to the Business World] Your last year of business school will move more quickly than expected, and soon you will be exiting the classroom and entering (or returning to) the workforce. During these last few months, look at the choices you can make to shape the potential finale of your formal education. Set yourself up for success in your career now! Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

M SAT Subject Test

What to Know About the Biology E/M SAT Subject Test While many high school students take the SAT, not all take SAT subject tests. SAT subject tests pose many benefits to students seeking college admission. These exams are a great way of showing college admissions counselors that youre interested in at least one specific academic area. Two popular SAT subject tests are Biology Ecological (E) and Biology Molecular (M). Each of these tests assesses how well you understand important biology principles taught in high school. If youre interested and knowledgeable about biological communities, populations, and the flow of energy throughout the environment, the Biology-E test might be right for you. If youre more interested in biochemistry and cell structures and processes, the Biology-M subject test could be the best fit. When deciding which SAT subject test is right for you, examine the test structure, required skills, and specific prep strategies in an effort to ensure success. Keep reading to learn what to know about the Biology E/M SAT subject test. Biology E/M SAT subject test structure The Biology-E and Biology-M subject tests share 60 of the 80 multiple-choice questions asked on each exam. These questions cover fundamental biological topics and principles. There are 20 specialized questions asked on each test that focus on either ecological or molecular biology, depending on which exam you take. Both tests cover cellular and molecular biology, ecology, genetics, organismal biology, and evolution and diversity, with each exam slightly more focused on their respective topics. [RELATED: How to Succeed on SAT Subject Tests] Skills required for the Biology E/M SAT subject test For both the Biology E and M SAT subject tests, the College Board, which administers these exams, suggests that students possess the following skills: Understanding of foundational ideas and knowledge about biology, as well as being able to recall facts and concepts (about 30% of the test). Applying principles of biology to solving problems (about 35% of the test). Interpreting questions and new ideas about biology using existing knowledge in order to solve word and math problems (about 35% of the test). Another useful skill for these exams includes the ability to assess the results of observations or experiments. This can help you come to the right conclusions or inferences about experimental data found in the form of a graph or table (or a combination of both) on the test. You should also have some familiarity with the metric system before taking this exam. [RELATED: Should I Take SAT Subject Tests?] How to prepare for the Biology E/M SAT subject test A student who has taken a one-year introductory course in AP Biology would be very well suited to taking the SAT subject test in Biology E/M. Students who have taken standard high school biology courses would also do well on the exam. A one-year course in algebra, as well as laboratory experience, are also helpful when it comes to preparing for these exams. You should review the practice biology questions offered by the College Board, as well as specific questions for the Biology-E or Biology-M exams on the College Boards website. You may also want to consider taking SAT subject test practice exams. Chat with your biology teacher if you have questions or need help with topics youre not very comfortable with. Varsity Tutors also offers SAT subject test in Biology E/M tutoring. How to take the Biology E/M SAT subject test Once youre seated for your test, make your choice of exam clear by filling in the correct circle on your answer sheet. Its important to remember to mark the correct exam so your test is scored accordingly. While you cannot take both tests on the same exam day, its possible to take both tests on separate exam days, should you choose to do so. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

The Best Age to Start Dancing

The Best Age to Start Dancing Do You Have to Learn to Dance as a Child? ChaptersSign Up for Introductions to DanceLearning to Dance Aged 6Getting Teenagers Interested in DancingLearning to Dance as an Adult“Age is of no importance unless you're a cheese.” - Billie BurkeA lot of people are getting into dancing styles like Zumba and pole dancing. These two styles require a lot of physical training.But what about children learning to dance?Whether it’s a dance course with a dance company, dance class in a dance studio, or a private tutorial with a private dance instructor, here’s our guide on how children can learn to dance.In this article, we'll be looking at how people of different ages, from children to the elderly, can benefit from dance lessons and tutorials that are adapted to them both in terms of their mental and physical development. SeamDance Teacher 4.96 (24) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JamieDance Teacher 5.00 (6) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ErickaDance Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamuelDance Teacher 5.00 (4) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlavioDance Teacher 5.00 (7) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimDance Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HannaDance Teacher 5.00 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClareDance Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsSign Up for Introductions to DanceDoing sports can be tricky and sometimes it’s hard to know how much children benefit from it.  Some physical activities aren’t suitable or beneficial for children. The same is sometimes true for dancing.Dance schools and conservatoires often have a minimum age when it comes to dancing lessons for kids. Generally speaking, 6 is the best age for children to start learning to dance.Does this mean that younger children can’t learn to dance?Of course not!Very young children can get an introduction to the main concepts of dancing. (Source: Lin_da)Rather than dance courses, they should get an introduction to dancing. There are similar lessons for music, too, where younger learners are introduced to the basic concepts of the art.In these types of classes, children won’t be expected to adopt advanced postures or do complicated dance steps because their muscles and bones aren’t fully developed. These are far from the dance fitness classes you'll get in gyms and the demanding dance training they'll get from a dance company as they got over.When it comes to ballet classes, pointes should also be avoided for those under 6 years old. Intensive dance exercises could have negative repercussions for children. Of course, kids dance classes will have taken this into account and will focus on energetic fun rather than serious dance instruction.Introductory classes include exercises to help children developer motor skills. The main goal is to help children with their coordination and get them into dancing with some basic choreography and the kind of routine that a beginner of any age would be comfortable with.The goal isn’t to make a child a good dancer. Instead, the child is there to discover dancing and see whether or not dancing is for them. The dance lesson is so that they get a taste of dancing and develop their musicality rather than getting them dancing with the professionals on Broadway or the West End.The psychiatrist Patrice Heurre explains that “This will only work if the activity is seen as a game, fun, and then it won’t matter what age you start”.Dance classes should never be stressful for children, regardless of their age. Most of the programme will be covered by dance teachers and will include games and performances by the children.Find out what you can expect from your first dance lesson...Learning to Dance Aged 6Learning to dance really starts once a child is either 6 or 7. A lot of places offer dance classes for beginners.  Most children of this age will definitely be beginners, even if they’ve already attended introductions to dance.The teacher will generally start from scratch and won’t differentiate between those who’ve already studied a bit of dancing and those who haven't. Their dance education will introduce them to the discipline and they'll be taught about different dance styles and how to move in rhythm to the music.As children get older, their lessons get more technical. (Source: sobima)From this age, the lessons can become more technical but without being physically demanding. They’ll usually alternate between teaching steps and the dancers expressing themselves.Dancing is as artistic as it is physically demanding.  While children’s joints can deal with more complicated movements once they reach this age, they still have to takes things easy.Children are expected to develop their imagination and broaden their minds.  This is the age where children can choose between different styles of dance (ballet, jazz, hip-hop, Zumba, etc.)Find out more about how dancing benefits the mind as well as the body!It could be a good idea to sign up your child for a class where they can discover the different styles of dancing. They still have plenty of time to choose a speciality (salsa, ballroom dancing, breakdancing, ballet, waltz, flamenco, tango, etc.) later on in life.Learning to dance at this age is also a great way for children to get rid of some of all that extra energy they have. It’s also a great opportunity for them to unwind after school and make new friends.Of course, if a child is being forced to go to their dance classes, it could have the opposite effect. They may end up hating dancing.It’s important to talk to their dance teacher to find out how they’re doing in their classes throughout the year. Make sure you ask about how interested they are in their classes.Getting Teenagers Interested in DancingA lot of children start dancing once they’re teenagers. It might be because they’re developing new tastes or their friends are doing it, for exa mple.  It’s never too late for them to start.A lot of schools and associations offer classes to teenagers of all levels (beginners, intermediates, experts). Thus, they won’t find themselves in classes with little kids or adults.Teenagers also want to enjoy activities outside of school and make friends. Modern jazz and hip-hop are often popular with teenagers. That said, there are some that want to learn ballet.Lessons for teenagers need to be enjoyable and dynamic. (Source: czijp0)Learning to dance as a teenager is a great way to channel their energy and make sure they’re doing some exercise. Their joints are more flexible and, as a result, they can move a lot.They may also gain popularity with these best dance accessories!The most difficult thing when it comes to teenagers is to keep them motivated.  As teenagers, we start to learn who we really are. Some students start their dance lessons and want to immediately give them up.Their teacher has to find the right way to keep th em motivated. They could do this by showing them famous dance moves or letting them choose the type of music they want to dance to.There are also a lot of famous films about dancing like Step Up.However, dance classes london  aren’t necessarily like they are in the movies. They should ask the teenagers what they expect from their classes in order to get a better idea.Learning to Dance as an AdultWhat about learning to dance when you’re 40, 50, or 60? Why not?This is more an advantage than a disadvantage since your bones have fully developed by this point.  Of course, it does help to be in good shape. However, there’s nothing stopping adults learning how to dance.They may struggle in terms of flexibility since, over time, we become less flexible. Just trying doing a somersault and you’ll see.You can learn to dance at any age. (Source: werner22brigitte)However, as you get back into shape, your lessons will get easier.  You need to find the right approach, too. There are school s, courses, and private tutorials for adults wanting to learn to dance.If you live too far from where lessons are taking place, contacting a private tutor is a great option. If you have a suitable space to dance in your own home, a private tutor can come to you and teach you how to dance. In some cases, they'll either have their own space or be renting one in a gym or a dance studio.Just believe in yourself! We often think, wrongly, that it’s too late to learn something new and that it’ll take too long for us to catch up with those who learnt as children. While it's often better to learn something when you're young, as you'll have more time to learn it, there are plenty of examples of people who succeeded in something later on in their life.The most important thing is to believe in yourself. Dancing is an artistic pursuit that allows you to express yourself.  Don’t get discouraged if you’re not an expert in ballet or salsa after a few hours of lessons. These things take time .Salsa, merengue, cha cha, country, jazz, waltz, Argentine tango, tap, ballroom dancing, African dancing, Oriental dancing, rumba, breakdancing, and contemporary dance all need to be studied at length.Whether you’re warming up, stretching, learning new steps, or performing, you have to regularly practice dancing. You can learn to dance in dance studios, too. There are some good things about being an adult.With all the different options available for those wanting to learn how to dance, if you want to learn how to dance, you can. You no longer have an excuse!

How to Help Teens Be Successful Students

How to Help Teens Be Successful Students Theres no doubt that success in school requires that students work hard, put forth significant effort, and of course, reach out for help from teachers and parents when they need it. But the best students embrace several other habits and strategies. Here are some of the most important ones that parents can suggest that their teens follow: Setting goals and making plans Teens who think about their futures and set academic and career goals for themselves will always be more successful than their wandering counterparts. Parents can talk with their teens about where they want to take their lives and how they can start taking steps in the right direction now. They should also encourage them to welcome big challenges with confidence. Getting involved Few teens want school work to be the only thing they have going on in life. Extracurricular activities like sports, music or clubs are important for teens mental and social development. Such endeavors allow teens to develop passions and strengthen their connections to school and give them opportunities to form relationships with other students. All of these things have been shown to support academic achievement while having many other benefits. Speaking up in class Theres a reason many teachers incentivize teens with participation points that contribute to the overall class grade. Being engaged in class is the simplest form of active learning and helps students retain material more effectively, recognize areas of confusion quicker and take ownership of their educational experience. Adopting good life habits Parents should never underestimate the importance that daily practices can have on their teens lives. A healthy breakfast before school has long been linked to improved concentration. Sufficient sleep helps teens get through their busy days and stay focused at school and in the evenings when they need to do homework. A consistent home routine minimizes anxiety and helps teens feel more in control. Planning the study routine Studying is essential in high school, but so is planning out those study sessions for maximum learning. Teens who lay out a plan for each study session make better use of their time and are better able to keep up with school work than those who approach homework time haphazardly and without any advanced planning. Done correctly, that planning process should involve setting goals for each study session and prioritizing homework to be completed. Helping your teen develop these kinds of behaviors as students will lay the groundwork for life success as well. Just as important, it will help him or her start off on the right foot at college. Make a few small changes and see what they do for your teens school attitude and academic well-being. As you implement other adjustments, youll begin to notice the additional benefits and positive impact on your student. About Huntington Huntington is the tutoring and test prep leader.Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntingtons mission is to give every student the best education possible. Learn how Huntington can help at For franchise opportunities please visit 2018 Huntington Mark, LLC. Huntington Learning Center, the three-leaf logo, and 1 800 CAN LEARN are registered trademarks of Huntington Mark, LLC. Each franchised Huntington Learning Center is operated under a franchise agreement with Huntington Learning Centers, Inc.

How are you today A Guide to Asking Questions in English

How are you today A Guide to Asking Questions in English When we start to learn a new language, we generally focus on talking about ourselves. We talk about who we are, where we come from, what we do etc. However, for effective, interactive, communication to take place we need to move beyond this stage and learn to ask questions.   This is not only important for good grades in English in the classroom and for successful conference calls in the office but through question-making we can also learn more about Anglophone cultures and even make new, English-speaking, friends.Forming questions in English is not difficult but you need to learn some basic rules.Pay attention to who or what is the subject of the questionWho is learning English? (who is the subject to the verb) What did you learn in class today? (what is the subject of the verb) Who do you want to bring to the cinema on Saturday? (you is the subject of the verb)Pay attention to the preposition in forming the question as this will be repeated in the answerWhere did you go to? I went to the bathroom. What are you talking about? I am talking about my English classes. Who is the present for? The present is for Juan.In English, many questions and answers use the same words (in a different order)Have you a big family? (I have a big family) Did you go to class today? (I did go to class today) Is Maria your sister’s friend? (Mary is my sister’s friend)There are two main types of questions in English: Closed Questions and Open QuestionsClosed QuestionsClosed questions are easiest because they only need an answer that is yes or no. They generally require the auxiliary verbs to do, to be and to have.Did you go to Chile last week? = (No) I did not. Are you cold? =(Yes) I am. Have you 5 million pesos? = (No) I have not.When forming a closed question you must switch the subject with the first auxiliary verb:Do you understand English? = I do understand English. Is it sunny today? = It is sunny today. Did you eat pasta today? = I did eat pasta today. Have you been drinkin g coffee? = I have been drinking coffee. Has she lived in Buenos Aires for three years? = She has been living in Buenos Aires for three years.Use the auxiliary verb ‘do’ to form questions: Do you work hard? = I work hard Do you live in Argentina? = I live in Argentina Did you speak fluent Spanish? =I speak fluent SpanishOpen questionsOpen questions require more than a yes or no response. They demand an opinion, explanation or description.Open questions are formed around a set list of interrogatory words. These are what, when, where, which, who, whom, how, why and whose.What time is it? It is 10pm When is she leaving Buenos Aires? She is leaving Buenos Aires on Thursday Where are you going on Saturday? I am going to London on Saturday? Which one do you want, the black scarf or the red scarf? I want the red scarf Who did you take to the dance on Friday? I took my sister’s friend Jane to the dance on Friday. Whom should she call about the matter? She should call the floor manager about the matter. How do I look? You look great. Why did he call me Saturday? He called you Saturday because he wanted to borrow your book. Whose t-shirt is he wearing? He is wearing my brother’s t-shirt.Not all of these interrogative words need nouns as question words. What, which and whose are examples of these.What class is this? What is this class? Which scarf is yours? Which is your scarf? Whose is this book? This is whose book?We hope you enjoyed the class and found it beneficial. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in English classes (cursos de inglés). Also if you enjoyed this, please share it on Facebook and Twitter.